“Desire is the key to motivation, but it is determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”

-Mario Andretti

Monday, August 25, 2008

N8 Textbook Quizes Chapters 4-6 ('06 Blog)

From the Evolve website
Wong, et al.: Maternal Child Nursing Care, 3rd Edition
icon Review Questions

Chapter 04

A 42-year-old woman asks the nurse about mammograms, now that she is "getting older." The nurse should tell her that:

A. The American Cancer Society recommends mammograms every 1 to 2 years for women ages 40 to 49.
B. The best time to perform a mammogram is just prior to a menstrual period.
C. Regular mammograms reduce the need to perform BSE.
D. Mammograms can confirm the diagnosis for breast cancer.

Chapter 05

When obtaining a reproductive health history from a female patient, the nurse should:

A. Limit the time spent on exploration of intimate topics
B. Avoid asking questions that may embarrass the patient
C. Use only accepted medical terminology when referring to body parts and functions
D. Explain the purpose for the questions asked and how the information will be used

The nurse should include questions regarding sexuality when gathering data for a reproductive health history of a female patient. Which of the following principles should guide the nurse when interviewing the patient?

A. An in depth exploration of specific sexual practices should be included for every patient
B. Sexual histories are optional if the patient is not currently sexually active
C. Misconceptions and inaccurate information expressed by the patient should be corrected promptly
D. Questions regarding the patient's sexual relationship is unnecessary if she is monogamous

The nurse should refer the patient for further testing if which of the following were noted upon inspection of the breasts of a 55-year-old woman:

A. Left breast is slightly smaller than the right breast
B. Eversion (elevation) of both nipples
C. Bilateral symmetry of venous network which is faintly visible
D. Small dimple located in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast

The nurse is assessing a woman's breast self-examination technique (BSE). Which of the following actions indicate that a woman needs further instruction regarding BSE?

A. Performs every month, on the first day of her menstrual period
B. Uses the pads of her fingers when palpating each breast
C. Inspects her breasts while standing before a mirror and changing arm positions
D. Places a folded towel under right shoulder and right hand under head when palpating right breast

Which of the following is correct concerning the performance of a Papanicolaou (Pap) smear?

A. The woman should not douche, use vaginal medications, or have intercourse for at least 24 hours prior to the test
B. It should be performed once a year beginning with the onset of puberty.
C. A lubricant such as Vaseline should be used to ease speculum insertion.
D. The specimen for the Pap smear should be obtained after specimens are collected for cervical infection

A 65-year-old woman, G 6 P 6006 is complaining of increasing stress incontinence and pelvic pressure and fullness. Pelvic examination reveals a bulging in the anterior vaginal wall. This woman is most likely experiencing:

A. Uterine prolapse
B. Rectocele
C. Cystocele
D. Vesicovaginal fistula

Chapter 06

An effective relief measure for primary dysmenorrhea would be:

A. Reduce physical activity level until menstruation ceases.
B. Begin taking prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors on the first day of the menstrual flow
C. Decrease intake of salt and refined sugar about one week before menstruation is about to occur
D. Use barrier methods rather than the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) for birth control

Self-care instructions for a woman following a modified radical mastectomy would include that she:

A. Wear clothing with snug sleeves to support her affected arm.
B. Use depilatory creams instead of shaving the axilla of her affected arm.
C. Expect a decrease in sensation or tingling in her affected arm as her body heals.
D. Empty surgical drains once a day or every other day.

When providing care to a young single woman just diagnosed with acute pelvic inflammatory disease, the nurse should:

A. Point out that inappropriate sexual behavior caused the infection
B. Position the woman in a semi-Fowler position
C. Explain to the woman that infertility is a likely outcome of this type of infection
D. Tell her that antibiotics need to be taken until pelvic pain is relieved

The CDC recommended medication for the treatment of chlamydia would be:

A. Doxycycline
B. Podofilox
C. Acyclovir
D. Penicillin
Posted by Bonnie Boss at 22:17 1 comments

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