“Desire is the key to motivation, but it is determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”

-Mario Andretti

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Clinical Baskets

I just wanted to let all of you know what is expected as far as the clinical baskets go.

This is not an individual thing, it is a group effort! The leader is responsible for making sure everyone in the group donates something to the basket, putting the basket together and getting it to me (Audrey Bradley) by the deadline, which is Thursday May 10. We have decided to do different themes for each clinical group and this is what we have so far:

Lodi Memorial - "Relaxation"
Dameron #1 - "Back to school"
St. Joseph's #1 - "Coffee"
Sutter Tracy - "All things nursing"

So, I still need someone from each of the following groups below to step up and be a leader. The sooner you contact me the more themes you will get to choose from...You can e-mail me at
Abradley277@students.deltacollege.edu or call me at (209) 251-9746 if you would like to be the leader for your group.

St. Joseph's #2
Doctors Hospital Manteca
Dameron #2
Dameron #3
Kaiser Manteca

Again, the deadline for turning in your basket is Thursday, May 10 and the baskets can be given to me at lecture on Thursdays. I sit on the left side in the back row, second seat in from the middle aisle.

Also, in order to make this Welcome Tea (lunch) successful we are going to need people to help out on the day of the tea, which will be Monday, August 13. You can e-mail me or call me if interested in helping at the tea.
Abradley277@students.deltacollege.edu (209) 251-9746


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What are your top 3 song choices for graduation?